- 活動名稱:臺灣泰國產業鏈結高峰論壇-自動化產業分項論壇
- 主辦單位:機械公會、工業技術研究院智慧機械推動辦公室、泰國泰德研究院、台灣區電腦輔助成型技術交流協會
- 活動日期:2022/09/22(四) 14:00~17:00(台灣時間)/13:00 ~ 16:00(泰國時間)
- 活動地點(台灣):國泰萬怡酒店 2F 蘭花廳 (台北市中山區民生東路三段6號)
- 活動地點(泰國):The Sukosol Hotel, 2ndFloor, Room Kamolthip 3( The Sukosol Hotel ,2ndFloor, Room Kamolthip 3)
- 語言:中文/泰文
Activity Information
- Event:2022 Taiwan-Thailand Industrial Collaboration Summit-Automation Industry Forum
- Organizer:
- Thai-German Institute(TGI), Thailand
- Taiwan Association of Machinery Industry(TAMI), Taiwan
- Association of CAE Molding Technology (ACMT), Thailand
- Smart Machinery Promotion Office, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Taiwan
- Date:2022/09/22(Thu) 14:00~17:00(TW)/13:00 ~ 16:00(Thai)
- Venue (Taiwan):國泰萬怡酒店 2F 蘭花廳 (台北市中山區民生東路三段6號)
- Venue (Thailand):The Sukosol Hotel, 2ndFloor, Room Kamolthip 3( The Sukosol Hotel ,2ndFloor, Room Kamolthip 3)
- Language:Chinese/Thai
- 追蹤泰國產業趨勢
- 強化台泰產業成長技術
- 掌握泰國投資優惠政策
- 深入泰國自動化整合藍圖

■ 走進泰國電動車變革 從高階品牌車到嘟嘟車 看見電動車時代破曉曙光
■ 泰國投資優惠措施促進新設31家電動汽車工廠
■ 台達電砸22億建泰國八廠、研發中心
■ 開發泰國大學人才 台達電簽署合作備忘錄
■ 鴻海擬在「泰國東部經濟走廊」建EV生產基地 拚2024年完工量產
ACMT 泰國智慧成型技術聯盟 (MISA Thailand)/ACMT聯合服務中心
本聯盟基於ACMT模具與成型產業【智慧工廠輔導計畫】(ACMT Smart Molding Program,ASMP),聚焦產業市場拓展方針,協助ACMT會員【商機開發】、【市場拓銷】以及【通路佈建】,共創【智慧化產業生態圏】整合綜效價值,並規劃由成員輪流主辦技術研討會及擴大商務合作。
議程 Agenda
Time (Thai) | Time (TW) | 議程 Agenda | 講者/主持人 Speakers / Hosts |
13:00 | 14:00 | 大會報到 Registration | |
13:30 | 14:30 | 雙方主持人致歡迎詞 Opening remarks by bilateral hosts | 臺:機械公會(TAMI)工業機器人專委會 彭志誠 名譽會長 TW: Mr. Peter Peng, Honorary Chairman, Industrial Robot committee of TAMI (Taiwan Association of Machinery Industry) 泰:泰德研究院(TGI), Somwang Boonrakcharoen 顧問 THAI: Mr. Somwang Boonrakcharoen, Consultant, Thai-German Institute(TGI) |
13:45 | 14:45 | 泰國投資優惠政策專題 Thailand – Investment incentives and preferential policy | 泰:泰國投資委員會(BOI), Mr. Mahannop Karnasuta THAI: Mr. Mahannop Karnasuta, Senior Investment Promotion Officer, BOI Division 2 |
14:00 | 15:00 | 智慧整體解決方案及智能自動化 Intelligent total solution for smart automation | 臺:上銀科技 張坤耀處長 TW: Maurice Chang, Senior Director – Marketing Group, Hiwin Technologies Corp. |
14:20 | 15:20 | 工業生產自動化轉型案例分享 Case study on automation transformation of production Industries | 泰:泰國自動化與機器人協會(TARA), Sakda Sarapatwittaya 副會長 THAI: Mr. Sakda Sarapatwittaya, Vice President, TARA (Thai Automation & Robotics Association) |
14:40 | 15:40 | 智慧機器人自動化系統案例分享 Smart Robotic Automation System Solution Sharing | 臺:台達電子 機器人事業處 彭志誠 處長 TW: Mr. Peter Peng, Director, Robotic Automation Business Dept., Industrial Automation Business Group, Delta Electronics, Inc. |
15:00 | 16:00 | 系統分析SA發展強化自動化與機器人工業 System Analyzer (SA) Development for enhance Thai Automation and Robot Industry | 泰:泰德研究院(TGI)製造與機器人中心, Siriwat Waiyanit副院長 THAI: Mr. Siriwat Waiyanit, Vice President, Manufacturing Automation and Robotics Center, TGI (Thai-Germany Institute ) |
15:20 | 16:20 | 臺泰智慧成型創新技術聯盟成果案例發表 Achievement presentation – Bilateral efforts / results on molding innovation solutions from MISA (Molding Innovation Technology Alliance) | 臺:台灣區電腦輔助成型技術交流協會(ACMT)泰國分會, 張仁安分會長 TW: Dr. Jen-An CHANG PhD, Managing Director, Association of CAE Molding Technology (ACMT) Thailand |
15:40 | 16:40 | 茶歇聯誼 Tea break | |
16:00 | 17:00 | 活動結束 Ending |

Host & Speaker

Mr. Peter Peng
Current Position
- Honorary Chairman, Industrial Robot Committee, Taiwan Association of Machinery Industry(TAMI)
- Director, Robotic Automation Business Dept., Industrial Automation Business Group, Delta Electronics, Inc.
- Director, Robotic Automation Business Department, IABG, DEI (2014/04-)
- General Manager, Delta Robotic Automatic Co., Ltd. (2012/07-2014/03)
- Funder, Board Member, and General Manager of A-TECH System Co., Ltd. (1995/07-2012/06)
- Researcher and Project Leader, Mechanical Industry Research Laboratories (MIRL) of Industry Technology Research Institute (ITRI) (1984-07-1995/06)

Mr. Somwang Boonrakcharoen
Current Position
- Consultant, Thai-German Institute(TGI)
- 1982-1996 Professor Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Education, King Mongkut University of Technology, North Bangkok
- 1996-2004 Director of CNC & CAD/CAM Technology, TGI
- 2004-2008 Director of Production Technology Development, TGI
- 2009-2012 Deputy Executive Director of TGI
- 2013-2015 Executive Vice President, TGI
- 2016-2021 President, TGI

Maurice Chang
Current Position
- Senior Director – Marketing Group, Hiwin Technologies Corp.
- Quality AVP of HIIWN – Quality Management
- Sales AVP of HIWIN – Sales, Marketing & Channel Management
- Senior Director – Sales, Marketing & Channel Management

Mr. Sakda Sarapatwittaya
Current Position
- Managing Director of TropicalTech Co., Ltd.
- Vice President of Thai Automation and Robotics Association (TARA)
- Registrar of Thai Intralogistics Association (TIA)
- 2009-Present Managing Director, TropicalTech Co., Ltd.
Special Expertise in Robotics, Electrical, Digitalization,
Control System, Integration, Automation, Industrial Cyber
Security, included Project Management more than 17 years. - 2007-2008 Commissioning Leader, Siemens Dematic Middle East
- 2003-2007 Senior Engineer, Siemens Thailandn2002-2003 Senior Project Engineer, Intelligent Automation
- 2000–2002 Efficiency Engineer, Thai Power Supply

Mr. Siriwat Waiyanit
Current Position
- Vice President, Manufacturing Automation and Robotics Center, Thai-German Institute(TGI)
- 2017-2021 Senior Manager of Factory Automation Division,TGI
- 2013-2017 Manufacturing Automation Division Manager, TGI
- 2005-2013 Automation system R&D project Manager,TGI
- 1997-2005 Trainer & Consultance for Automation system, TGI
- 1997 Trainer about Pneumatic & Hydraulic, Sales and Service engineer, Festo
- 1996 Instructor in electrical subject, King Mongkuts Institute of Technology North Bangkok Network (Chouburi Branch)

Mr. Jen-An CHANG PhD
Current Position
- Managing Director/Co-Founder, MINNOTEC THAILAND Co., Ltd.
- Senior Technical Advisor, R&D Center for Smart Manufacturing (SMC) of Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU), TAIWAN
- President/Co-Founder, Association of CAE Molding Technology(ACMT), THAILAND Branch
- Senior Technical Advisor for Plastic Injection Molding Project, National Science and Technology Development Agency, NSTDA, THAILAND
- Chairman’s Office Senior Adviosr, Thai-Taiwan (BDI) Technology College, THAILAND
- Technical Advisor for Metal Injection Molding(MIM), Taimim Co., Ltd., TAIWAN
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department of Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU), TAIWAN
More Information
Jean Chen 陳小姐
TEL:02-8969-0409 #217