【News】 Taiwan-Indonesia Industrial Collaboration Forum 2019
2019臺印尼產業鏈結高峰論壇作為亞太產業合作平台的開端,後續經濟部仍將持續以民間產業鏈結合作為主,積極推動與亞太各國產業進行多方面的產業交流及合作,期盼透過亞太產業合作平台整合資源、排除合作障礙帶領台灣產業開拓國際市場。 ACMT致力於推動臺灣與新南向國家的交流,於論壇當日再與印尼Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia正式簽署合作備忘錄,未來將就「技術推廣」與「產學交流」等主軸,建立雙邊實質交流,以推廣最新技術與促進人才培育等事宜。
Over the last decade, there has been profound progress in Taiwan’s industrial cooperation with Indonesia. To further deepen bilateral exchanges and cooperation, 2019 Taiwan- Indonesia Industrial Collaboration Forum took place in Taipei on December 9, 2019.
In order to promote the latest technology and academia/industry exchange between Taiwan and Indonesia, Association of CAE Molding Technology (ACMT) and Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia(AJCUI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).In the next few years, ACMT will set a Advanced Molding Solution Platform in AJCUI and Joint research activities and industry-academia cooperative activities to promote the latest technology and assist industrial companies to improve product quality.

Jean Chen 陳柏蓁
TEL:02-8969-0409 #217